285 St Martins Dr Monroeville, PA 15146
8:30am, 10:00am & 11:30am
We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings! You will experience modern, contemporary worship that places an emphasis on theology, but without compromising spirit and expression. After worship, we go to the Bible for a time of expositional preaching. We value God’s Word highly at Reclamation Church, and believe that it is the foundation on which our church and individual lives should be built. Furthermore, we regularly observe communion together as a church body, and welcome anyone who has been reclaimed by the blood of Jesus to join us. ASL interpretation is available as requested at the 8:30am service (please let us know you're coming here).
First Wednesday of the Month - 6:30pm
Charles Spurgeon once described his church’s prayer meeting as the most important meeting of the week. He considered prayer the “powerhouse” of the church, and believed that nothing would be accomplished in ministry without it. At Reclamation Church, we are of a like mind. This is why we take the first Wednesday night of every month and spend time together in prayer and worship. It is not a time for deep theological teaching (although you may gain some theological insights). Rather, it is a time to set our hearts and minds on God and ask Him to do what only He can in our church, community, city, and world.