What are Equip Groups?
We are all about growing in Christ, and one of the ways we seek to inspire growth is through classes offered by our members. We offer classes specific to women and men, as well as classes in which everyone is welcome to participate. Check out the list below of our Equip Groups for this fall, and be sure to sign up if anything jumps out to you. Space is limited.
Equip Groups: For Everyone
Habits of grace
Facilitator(s): jeremy johnson
In this Equip Class, we will walk through David Mathis' book, Habits of Grace, in order to receive a fresh vision for enjoying Jesus through the spiritual disciplines. The conviction of the book is that the habits of grace "are not about earning God's favor, twisting his arm, or controlling his blessing, but readying ourselves for consistent saturation in the roll of his tides." If your spiritual disciplines have been dull, frustrating, or completely nonexistent, then this class is for you! Across three weeks, we will focus on cultivating three specific habits: hearing his voice (Word), having his ear (Prayer), and belonging to his body (Fellowship).”
Date & Time
September 15 at 11:15am, September 29 & October 6 at 11:30am in the Equip Room
Just bring your bible and a notebook
Balancing Money: A Biblical and Practical Guide to Finances
Facilitator(s): Steve Creps
God's word provides us with practical application for all areas of our lives, including how to manage the money and possessions with which he's entrusted to us. In 3 sessions, from a biblical paradigm, we'll discuss how to practically achieve balance in our giving, saving, and spending.
Date & Time
Sundays at 10am beginning October 6 (3 weeks) in the Equip Room
Just bring your Bible
learning to thrive in marriage
Facilitator(s): clark & helen logan
This equip class explores marriage by reminding one another of the Biblical foundations, identifying obstacles and pitfalls, and encouraging one another to thrive, not just survive one of God's greatest blessings.
Date & Time
Sundays at 10am beginning October 20 (3 weeks) in the Equip Room
Just bring your Bible
parenting: rhythm and correction (ages 0-8)
Facilitator(s): dustin winchester
Come to reflect through the lens of God's Word, and gain practical, useful skills for guiding and correcting your child.
Date & Time
Sundays at 10am beginning November 10 (3 weeks) in the Equip Room
Just bring your bible
starting point
Facilitator(s): sam nelson
Wondering about God, Jesus, or the Bible? If you have questions about the Christian faith, are a new Christian, or are returning to church for the first time in years, we have an Equip group designed for you. Starting Point is an 8-week conversational environment where you can explore faith and experience community. It's a safe place for you to ask questions and learn more about God, the Bible, and the foundations of Christianity. No matter where you are in your relationship with God, we invite you to join us on this journey to grow and become more like Jesus Christ.
Date & Time
Wednesdays at 6:30-8pm beginning September 11 (8 weeks) in the Equip Room
$10 for the book
Equip Groups: For Women
made to create (crochet class)
Facilitator(s): Pauline Barton
Whether you have loved crochet forever or would just like to learn, this is the class for you. There will be a short devotion, prayer, crocheting, fellowship, and a lot of fun! This class is for women 16 and up.
Date & Time
Mondays at 7pm beginning September 23 (8 weeks) in the Equip Room
Starter kits available for $10 at the first class
book study: i surrender all by priscilla shirer
Facilitator(s): korbin diggs
Walk with us on the journey to not only be followers of Jesus, but disciples of Jesus. What does this choice mean in our everyday lives? Is surrender truly your goal and what does it look like? This book is a companion to the new movie called “The Forge” by the Kendrick Brothers and is written by Priscilla Shirer. We will read, discuss, pray and share as we pursue Christ.
Date & Time
Tuesdays at 10am beginning September 17 (7 weeks) in the Equip Room
Pick up the book wherever you buy books.
hospitality: Serve it up!
Facilitator(s): vicky france
Come join me in my home and let’s explore biblical hospitality together. We will spend time in God’s Word, prayer and the kitchen. What does God say about hospitality?
Date & Time
Wednesday at 10am-12:30pm beginning October 2 (4 weeks) at Vicky's home
Supplies for cooking $25
Facilitator(s): Julie Davis
Participants will develop a greater understanding of God’s Word by reading in large chunks daily. The plan is strategically organized to tie the Old Testament to the New Testament, showing the consistency of God’s truth throughout His Word. The aim is 2 Timothy 2:15, with open discussion on nuggets gleaned during weekly reading. If you have questions, please text Julie: 724-840-5531.
Date & Time
Thursdays at 7pm beginning September 5 through May 2025 in the Prayer Room
Just bring your Bible
Equip Groups: For Men
the life of joseph: how to live purposefully in uncertain times
Facilitator(s): Greg Matthews
Joseph is one of the most inspiring figures in the Old Testament. Everything he endured was for a purpose, his success came from the Lord, and even the most devastating events in his past were used to accomplish God’s purposes. The exciting news is that God works in our lives the same way he worked in Joseph’s. In this six-session series, Pastor Bryan Carter will trace the themes of purpose and faithfulness through the life of Joseph, teaching us how to identify and live in our God-given purpose. God will do far more than we could hope or imagine. Today, he is calling us to be people of purpose.
Date & Time
Saturdays at 8am beginning October 19 (6 weeks) in the Equip Room
Pick up the book wherever you buy books.
ReclaCare Equip Groups
Journey through grief
Facilitator(s): pat hauman & Deb bingham
Have you lost a loved one? Are you trying to navigate through the maze of hurt, sorrow, and heartache caused by grief? Participation in this group experience will enable you to find support, hope, and encouragement through God after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. Gather information, engage in discussions, and share your story, as you, in turn, learn to be an encouragement to others. (This group is not for those who are grieving from divorce, job loss, or financial debt).
Date & Time
Thursdays at 6:30pm beginning October 3 (8 sessions) in the Equip Room. Meeting dates/times can be flexible and arranged based on the group or individual's needs.
Just bring your Bible
Facilitator(s): Ginny keteles, holly tester & patty panuccio
The Fearless Series for Women is designed to be a tool for Christian women to get the conversation started about sexual abuse. It consists of a 5-session video rental, study guide, and a follow-up workbook intended for individuals wanting to dive deeper into healing. The Video Series features Christian women who are survivors and also professionals helping other survivors of sexual trauma. It also features a professional who works with children and helps us understand the scale of this issue. Please see this link for more info: https://fearlessresources.org/women/
Date & Time
Thursdays at 6:30pm beginning October 10 (5 weeks) & January 9 (8 weeks) at the Reclamation Community Center
$10 for first book which can be purchased at first meeting
soul of shame
Facilitator(s): ruth harper & ginny keteles
Shame is an emotional weapon that stands at the root of sin that evil uses to corrupt our relationships with God and each other. The Gospel frees us to be vulnerable and therefore be rescued from shame that we might enter into His joy. This study's goal is to enter into the Biblical story of God's longing that we might live openly in the light of his love, delight, and grace.
Date & Time
Tuesdays beginning September 24 (9 weeks) at the Reclamation Community Center
Book can be purchased online.